Monday 13 December 2021

Books Not Taken: Ember's Quest

I've decided to start an occasional series of posts about why I decide not to pick up certain books for review. There's nowhere on Netgalley (where I get most of my books) to give this kind of feedback - you can only give feedback on books you do choose to read - and it might be instructive for some authors, maybe even the ones whose books I don't choose. The Division: Ember's Quest, by Kevin M. Penelerick. "One man stands between the elemental forces seeking to destroy the world of The Division, but he lays sick and dying." First sentence of the blurb, and already the author has used "between" with only one object (it requires two), and "lays" when he means "lies". My experience is that a blurb with errors typically signals a book with multiple issues, not just of copy editing, but of storytelling, characterization, plot and other basics. I could be wrong, but when I've gone against these instincts in the past I've always regretted it. Oh, and when I check on Goodreads there's a comma splice in the author's bio.

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