
Wednesday 30 August 2023

Review: The Dragons of Deepwood Fen

The Dragons of Deepwood Fen The Dragons of Deepwood Fen by Bradley P. Beaulieu
My rating: 0 of 5 stars

It's been years since I read this style of full-on epic fantasy, where innocents die brutally in the prologue and then we get a lot of (initially) unconnected POVs all centering around a Big Bad Thing, and it's all very serious.

What I'd forgotten in those years is that I don't actually enjoy that kind of book very much, as a matter of personal taste; I like multiple POVs, but in a more connected, intimate arrangement, and prefer my fantasy to have at least some lightheartedness somewhere in it.

But if you like this kind of thing, this is definitely one, and an above-average one if a careful editor adds in all the missing words and takes out the many unnecessary coordinate commas before publication.

I received a pre-publication review copy via Netgalley.

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