
Sunday 16 December 2018

Review: The Dragon Machine

The Dragon Machine The Dragon Machine by Ben S. Dobson
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I'm enjoying this series, though so far the first has been the best for my money. The city populated by multiple fantasy races, with an original magic system, makes an enjoyable setting, and the two detective partners have what, in a movie, would be described as "good on-screen chemistry". There's a strong noblebright tone of fighting against the privileged who consider that ordinary people don't matter, and although there are clearly plenty of corrupt villains around, there's also an adequate supply of heroes and people of good will (and maybe one or two who straddle the line).

The action is strong and well-paced, but not so constant as to leave no time for reflection. The two viewpoints are well distinguished, and once again the verve and zest for life of the half-orc character make it enjoyable to be in her viewpoint.

A few unfortunate typos kept it off the "Well-Edited" shelf, but it was generally OK as far as the copy editing went.

I'll definitely continue following this series (I've gone so far as to subscribe to the author's newsletter so as not to miss the next one).

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