
Thursday 10 May 2018

Review: Magic Eater: An Uncanny Kingdom Urban Fantasy

Magic Eater: An Uncanny Kingdom Urban Fantasy Magic Eater: An Uncanny Kingdom Urban Fantasy by M.V. Stott
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Genuinely funny, in a bumbling British loser-who-knows-he's-a-loser kind of way. Content warning for plenty of contextual swearing.

Scruffy around the edges as far as editing is concerned; the commas, hyphens, and especially apostrophes need a good tune-up, but I only spotted one homonym error (birth/berth).

This is urban fantasy with a strong British flavour, a high body count (to which the protagonist is not indifferent), and an action-packed plot. It uses the old amnesia trope, but does a decent job with it.

Part of a series which in turn is part of a larger world; I would read another if I was in the right mood.

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